In Hunters On-Chain, there are 40 classes of Hunters, in the form of playable NFTs, that will all have their particular skills and mechanics. Today, we’ll go through each and every one of them!
- Ninja. From the shadows born, he comes from the lands far to the East. Master of the sneak attack and lethal with his weapon of choice: the shuriken.
2. Barbarian. Came down the mountains like an avalanche. His descendants fought with Mountain Giants ages ago. Now, he’s looking for the biggest and baddest enemy to club down with his maces.
3. Elfarcher
She’s always been a bit of a tomboy. Climbing up the trees, target practice has been her bread and butter. She managed to enchant her bow in the heart of the Dark Wood so that it hits many foes at once.
4. Druid
Tasked with protecting nature by the Forest Spirits, he’s extremely connected to wildlife. He’s dedicated to rooting out vile creatures destroying the realm. His convictions are deeply rooted.
5. Dragon Knight
Half man, half dragon: that’s an explosive combo! His courage is unmatched and he throws himself into battle with that whirlwind blade of his.
6. Minotaur
He didn’t enjoy mazes, corridas and other cultural activities. He wanted no part in Gods’ conflict so he chose freedom.
Both DK and Mino sometimes feel a bit upset because he is not unique and not the only half man in the metaverse
7. Orc Sniper
They say Orcs are no good with projectiles. They say Orcs are only brawlers and bruisers. She’s decided to prove the whole world wrong and is lethal with that crossbow
8. Raging Orc
They say Orcs are only brawlers and bruisers. He’s extended that to melee combat and reaches deep down inwards to ride the tide of his fury. Blood boiling in his veins, blood-shot eyes full of battle craze — he only gets fiercer with each and every wound received.
9. Frozen Queen
She’s a magical offspring of a glacier. Would love to just make ice sculptures but has dedicated herself to holding off the evil creatures, especially those snow-melting fire-breathers!
10. Spider Queen
Our 2nd queen of metaverse. She was a cast-out of Menzoberranzan of Faerûn, on Toril. Not a proper she-drow, yet still attuned with their magic, she fled. Having been ported to this realm, she has carved out a niche for herself: saving spiders and making them her sidekicks in the hunt for monsters.
Every battle where they appear together is epic and unforeseeable.
11. Wizard
Graduated the Academy magna cum laude. He loves leading adventurers met in taverns and inns into dungeons. Adventurous and curious, finds his way out with fireballs.
12. Engineer
Got teleported from a laboratory to this realm. At first lost and confused, he now is able to harness the magical field energy and fuse it with technology, effectively having become the first technomancer!
By the way, Wizard and Engineer are the creators of BoomLand multiverse!
13. Crow
Ancient mystics trained themselves to become invisible and deadly and schooled countless disciples. He’s one of the last few alive and is a splendid assassin.
Fun fact: Crow was a teacher of Russell Crowe when he was a Gladiator, Fighter and even Robin Hood.
14. Gentleman
He is all about good manners and etiquette. Even when he’s slaying monsters, it’s done with a tip of his hat. The fact that the brim is razor sharp is another story…
15. Hammerdin
He used to be a smith. Ever since his village got raided and demolished by a monster pack, he’s on the hunt. Revenge is an eternal task and it shall burn him to ashes… But not today!
16. Axe Master
All he ever wanted was to climb mountains. But, being an Orcish tribesman, he could not escape his purpose: climbing mountains of corpses… Even if it means losing one eye
17. Gorgon
She’s been bullied in a monstrous kindergarten because of her hair. She got so bitter that the hairs became venomous and now all she does is hiss out a poisonous fume instead of talking…
18. Boom Boom
She loves a good blast. Be it a birthday party with its fireworks or tossing up some bombs at unexpected monsters — it all ends with, ‘BOOM!’ All the better if guts splatter about as well!
19. Voodoo
Originally from the Isles, he crossed the sea on a Loa’s back. What does he bring to the table? Ethnic outfits and masks, dark Loa magic and rituals as well as strong liquor!
20. Phantom
Now this one here is a living example of… Oops, a floating paradox. It’s a minotaur’s wraith. It used to be a monster itself but now is enchanted to slay its former kin!
21. IMP Master
He used to be a lesser demon dwelling in Limbo, but since a botched summoning — he’s escaped. Now his own master, he summons minor imps which aren’t missed (and their disappearance noticed) by any Limbo Bosses.
22. Renderman
Having escaped the reality of Ready Player Two, Renderman found himself incarnated. Funnily enough, he’s glitching all the time which in return makes him invisible for short spurs of time.
23. Life Stealer
The Living Dead, indeed. Necromantic spawn though he is, an apt monster slayer he is as well. And ever since he’s become an apprentice to Death, his skill with the scythe is unmatched!
24. Cyclop Rocky
He’s an earth elemental and once he gets rolling, he gathers no moss. Since childhood, he’s been exceptional at dodgeball and now the skill is put to good use: crushing monsters to a pulp!
25. Captain Hook
Escaping a crocodile and legging for life is all it took for Captain Hook to leave Neverland behind. He hates all sorts of wild beasts to this day, channelling his dread into blasting his enemies with that flintlock pistol of his!
26. Pirate
Captain Hook’s tag-along, she also fled the Neverland. However, she got sick and tired of her boss’ insanity and decided to seek out her own fortune. She’s a great shot with that blunderbuss and has a great kill-count under her belt already!
A couple of pirates have already ripped off dozens of ships near the Neverland coast!
27. Berserker
He was so enraged that he lost himself in eternal battle rage. Fuelled by enormous anger, he continued fighting even when being stripped of his own flesh. Now, an Undead, he still burns with that fire and the desire to slay as many foes as possible.
28. Angel
Being a heavenly creature, she’s on a mission to eradicate the vile creatures spawning across the realm. She has her spiritual powers and the divine wand to channel the energy with… Which all unholy beings should fear and run away from!
29. Grey Wolf
An Orc Shaman and elementalist, he is in tune with nature. Having been schooled by a djinn as well as having acute senses allows him to feel and manipulate air itself. That is why his tornadoes are so lethal.
30. Roller
He’s a forest spirit and his first and foremost duty is to protect nature against those rampant monsters. He utilises pieces of wood lying about so as not to disturb the growing things. He finds it ironic that the logs he slays monsters with have been made by monsters trampling the woods.
31. King
He’s the ruler of the land and the owner of those enchanted royal jewels. With great power comes great responsibility, and he holds his own fighting with the monster pest festering in his kingdom. He’s always seeking knowledge about the ways of shutting portals down, to get rid of the bestial threat once and for all.
32. Mad Doctor
Ported to the realm similarly to Engineer, he brings bio-chemical science to the table. He had developed a potent virus which acts immediately once it touches its target, quickly breaking the cells and making them deteriorate. It looks as if acid melted the body away. Well, they don’t call him ‘Mad’ for nothing!
33. Vlad The Vampire
The Conjunction of Spheres tossed this ancient vampire into this land. He might be considered a monster by many, yet he’s a mighty ally best kept on ‘your side’. He doesn’t need alliances as much though because he’s able to suck the living force out of his opponents to heal up. Beware of his Blood Lust, when he’s at his best… and worst!
34. Ancient One
Kin to the Great Old One, he goes by many names: Little Priest of the Great Old Ones, The Little Dreamer, The Midday-Nap-Taker of R’lyeh… He got adventurous beyond the oceans where it used to dwell. He left the slumber behind in favour of the joyous carnage he causes with his tentacles!
35. Zeus
Olympus Main Man. Thunder God capable of polymorphism. Pretty good resume, right?! You’d better beware of and fear the might of lightning: once he gets going, a BLAST is imminent.
36. Efreet
He is a Genius of Fire, born in the guts of a volcano. Being a Fire Elemental makes his temper just as volatile as the fireballs he throws at his enemies. So, if you play with fire, you’ll get burned by… Efreet!
37. Protector
This Elemental being is the embodiment of energy itself, hovering above the realm and watching out for monsters. The power within him is harnessed by his enchanted armour so designed that it keeps his form and channels the outbursts of energy spheres.
38. Ape Lord
This is Ōzaru of Skull Island! A little ape that transforms into a HUGE wereape that boasts incredible speed and formidable strength if but for a moment. It reverts to its original form after this vicious outburst only to accumulate enough energy to become the true Ape Lord yet again!
39. Butcher
The Butcher spawns from the pits of hell. He used to be the head chef of “Bloody Mary”, a fan-favorite restaurant for friends of the Seventh Circle.
40. Grim
This is death incarnate. Death dealer, soul taker, harvester of sorrow. Eternal, been around the block forever… That’s why IT knows exactly how to strike with deadly precision.
Did you notice that there’s no photo of him? It’s not because he doesn’t like cameras… it’s for your own sake!
If you get to see him… that’ll probably be the last thing you see, so thank us!
Who do you think will be in META during the first season of the game? Let us know on Discord: