Hunters On-Chain Goes Live on Polygon Mainnet for Genesis Hunter Holders

4 min readJul 20, 2023


We are thrilled to announce that the highly-anticipated game Hunters On-Chain is now officially live on the Polygon Mainnet for Genesis Hunter Holders. This exciting moment marks the start of a new era for BoomLand.

First on the Scene: Genesis Hunter Holders

To commemorate the launch and honor our earliest supporters, we are providing exclusive access to the mainnet release for all Genesis Hunter Holders. This early-access privilege is a token of appreciation for their unwavering faith and support in our project.

As pioneers in the new world of Hunters On-Chain, Genesis Hunter Holders will have the chance to be the first to level up their hunters and gather valuable resources. This isn’t just early access; it’s the chance to carve out the future of the game, to become legends in the making.

What to Expect: The Hunting Grounds

In Hunters On-Chain, you’ll discover a vibrant, open-world environment where strategy, skill, and a keen sense of adventure are vital for success.

This is your chance to employ strategy to beat opponents, engage with unique game characters, and solve intricate puzzles that will have you coming back for more. Keep in mind that every decision matters. With persistent world mechanics, the effects of your actions today can reshape the game world tomorrow.

Why Polygon?

The launch of Hunters On-Chain on Polygon Mainnet is not accidental. Polygon’s infrastructure offers fast, secure, and low-cost transactions, ensuring a seamless and exciting gaming experience. Polygon’s scalability makes it possible for Hunters On-Chain to handle the large number of transactions required for our gameplay, without compromising speed or security.

Get Ready to Embark on the Hunt

Genesis Hunter Holders, gear up to embark on an epic journey in the vast wilderness of Hunters On-Chain. Prepare to lead the way in this new realm, to hunt, gather, and battle like never before. This is your time to lay the foundations of a new world.

Remember, early access is just the beginning. As the game evolves and expands, so too will the opportunities for all players. The hunting grounds are open, and the race to become the ultimate hunter has begun. Will you answer the call?

As we celebrate this important milestone, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Genesis Hunter Holders. Your trust and support have been instrumental in making Hunters On-Chain a reality. Now, let the hunt begin!

How to Play


  • Head over to
  • Select ‘Connect Wallets’ in the top right hand corner
  • Connect your Sequence wallet, if you do not have one this will prompt you to create one
  • Transfer any BoomLand assets into your Sequence wallet, as this is the only wallet compatible with our game.

Done? Now you are set up for Hunters On-Chain.

See below the different ways to obtain a Hunter NFT and unlock the full game:

If I don’t have a Genesis Hunter, can I still play on Mainnet?

At this time, Mainnet is in exclusive early access for Genesis Holders. To gain access to Mainnet you will need a Genesis Hunter. Please note that Genesis Holders are given access by wallet address verification, so if you only own a Common Hunter you cannot get access until full release.

When is the Mainnet Full Release?

To be announced, but not too long to wait. In the meantime you can still earn rewards for Mainnet by playing on our Testnet build (which has some features not on Mainnet yet to try!)

How do I get a Genesis Hunter?

To obtain a Genesis Hunter, these are your options:

  1. Purchase on Magic Eden. You can either buy a specific Genesis Hunter or a Genesis Chest. Genesis Chests contain a random Genesis Hunter inside.


Please insure when purchasing your Genesis Hunter that they possess the “Permanent Perk #4” trait. This trait is your 100% reward bonus. If the Hunter does not have this trait then it is not a Genesis Hunter as you will therefore not see the same rewards.

  1. Winning! We sometimes giveaway Genesis Chests for various contests and activities. Check the #official-links for our Twitter / #activities and turn on notifications to be sure you don’t miss a chance!

I have purchased/own a Genesis Chest, how do I get the Hunter?

To open your Genesis Chest, head to our website:

When you connect your wallet, your chest will be there and you can follow the instructions on-screen to open your chest and reveal your Hunter. Please don’t forget to share your Genesis Hunter in the #hunter-reveal channel on Discord. We love congratulating each other for revealing Hunters!

I have purchased/own a Genesis Hunter, now what?

Woooohooo! Make sure you verify with #holder-verification to unlock a special Discord role which comes with its own special perks like exclusive product updates.

Your Sequence wallet holding your Genesis Hunter will need to be added to our access list. This is updated daily at 6pm UTC. You will then be able to play Hunters On-Chain.




BoomLand is a blockchain game development studio. First game, Hunters On-Chain is out! 🎮 Want to know more? ->